Die Teufelsbrücke von Uri / The devil’s Bridge of Uri
Digital HD, 7 min, b/w, Ch 2016
Director: Jochen Ehmann
Animation: Jochen Ehmann, Jane Mumford
Music: Sandra Stadler
Sounddesign: Thomas Gassmann, Kilian Vilim
Voices: Anita Schenardi, Sigi Arnold, Michael Heinsohn
Producer: Ted Sieger, Gerd Gockell, Jochen Ehmann
Funded by
Bundesamt für Kultur – Bern
Berner Filmförderung
Schweizer Radio & Fernsehen – SRF
Based on an old Swiss myth the film tells the story of people from Uri who made
a deal with the devil to get a bridge over the deep and dangerous ravine of Schöllen.